Frequently asked questions

If you haven't found the information you need or have feedback and suggestions, please don't hesitate to reach out to us via email at We value your input and are here to assist you.

For Orgs

What are the benefits of working with AiNi?
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AiNi opens a new avenue to connect with and engage donors. Traditional methods like email updates or mail-in thank you gifts are failing the expectations of today's donors, particularly younger generations accustomed to instant, interactive digital experiences.

AiNi bridges this gap by leveraging AI technology to create a donation experience that is not only interactive and engaging, but also educational. Through our digital animal companions, donors can receive real-time updates, engage in educational lessons about conservation, and participate in fun, interactive games - all designed to deepen their understanding and commitment to wildlife conservation.

This approach ensures that donors feel an immediate and lasting connection to the cause, transforming the act of giving into an enriching experience that extends beyond a mere transaction.

How does the partnership work?
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As a cause marketing partner, AiNi integrates your organization's brand and content (such as conservation efforts and impact) into the companion experience and features your logo on our website, linking back to your website. AiNi handles the marketing, distribution, and servicing of the digital companions and donates 15% of the curriculum proceeds to your organization.

How much of my time is required to set up AiNi?
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- 1) Designing New Animal Companions: To create authentic and engaging experiences that accurately represent your brand, we'll need your input on various aspects of the companions, such as your logo, organizational history, and the personality of the animal companions. This initial effort typically takes a few hours.

- 2) Continuous input: We will require your help to create or review the monthly lessons, quizzes, and workshops before they go live. If you already have existing educational materials, we can help adapt them into our interactive format for your review. This ongoing task typically requires about 30 minutes per month and can be done over email.

Can we customize our companions to align with our brand and mission?
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Absolutely! We encourage you to collaborate closely with your dedicated AiNi team to ensure your companions reflects your organization's unique brand and mission. Together, we'll tailor the companion's personality, back story, educational content, and interactive games to meet your specific requirements and engage your audience effectively.

Can I send updates to donors via my companions?
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Yes! Your animal companions act as powerful advocates, transforming traditional static group email updates into dynamic and personalized conversations about your organization's progress and impact. This approach proves significantly more effective in connecting donors with your achievements, ultimately contributing to better donor retention over the long term.