September 3, 2024

Ailin's Founder Blog

In this blog, I want to open up and share my personal journey—a story of entrepreneurship, heartbreak, and self-discovery that led me to become a part of AiNi, a mission that has become incredibly close to my heart.

Ailin's Founder Blog

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Hi, I am Ailin (pronounced as "Eileen"), and I am a Co-founder at AiNi. In this blog, I want to open up and share my personal journey—a story of entrepreneurship, heartbreak, and self-discovery that led me to become a part of AiNi, a mission that has become incredibly close to my heart.

Before AiNi, I was a serial entrepreneur, pouring my passion into various ventures across education, e-commerce, and social media. While some of these projects tasted fleeting success, most were uphill battles that left me feeling drained and unfulfilled. My final startup, an online social media app, seemed like it could be the one. We secured over a million dollars in venture funding and celebrated over 1.5 million downloads in the US. But eventually, despite our relentless efforts, it crumbled, leaving me in the depths of depression. The weight of disappointing myself, my team, our investors, and our users was almost too much to bear.

During those years of building the social platform, we threw ourselves into the work, putting our heart and soul into every waking moment. I had forgotten the simple joys of life—the peace of walking through a forest, the freshness of the air filling my lungs, and the sweet melody of birdsong. As someone who once spent months scuba diving in the beautiful waters of Southeast Asia, I realized it had been years since I last immersed myself in the wonders of nature. Desperate to heal, I made the decision to step back and embark on a journey back to the great outdoors, hoping to rediscover myself and my path forward.

What began as a two-week national park visit turned into a transformative four-month odyssey. From the towering giants of Redwood National Park to the majestic Mount Rainier and the lush, magical rainforests of Olympic National Park, each stop left me in awe. Witnessing orcas, my favorite creatures, gracefully swimming in the waters of British Columbia, and spotting moose in the wilderness of Jasper/Banff, I felt my soul begin to mend. The great outdoors, with its untamed beauty and serene power, gradually washed away the pain and shame of failure, replacing it with a renewed sense of hope and purpose.

Throughout our journey, we visited numerous national parks, native reservations, and animal rescue organizations. I was deeply moved by the conservationists who dedicated their lives working in remote, challenging conditions to protect and preserve the animals that call these wild places home. They are my heroes.

As I immersed myself in the beauty of the natural world and witnessed the tireless efforts of conservationists, a nagging question began to take root in my mind. As a millennial with a deep love for nature and animals, shouldn't I be doing more to support these noble causes? While dedicating one's life to wildlife conservation often requires a complete lifestyle change—a daunting prospect for most—I realized that contributing financially was the least I could do. Yet, I found myself falling into the pattern of a one-time donor, making small, sporadic contributions whenever a particularly touching story caught my attention or during my visits to conservation sites. I couldn't help but wonder, why was this the case?

After much introspection, I came to a disheartening realization. There was a profound disconnect between these vital causes and my fast-paced, modern life. The vast geographical distance separating me from the conservation efforts made it challenging to feel truly connected. Consequently, I relied on the content produced by the organizations to stay informed about their progress. However, most of these organizations, constrained by limited resources, could only afford to send monthly updates via email—updates that often got buried in my promotions folder. Even when they did reach my inbox, I was rarely compelled to open and read the messages due to the one-way nature of the communication, leaving me ignorant of how my donations were being utilized and the impact they were making. Without a clear understanding of my role as a donor and the appreciation that comes with it, I struggled to maintain a strong connection to the causes I cared about.

In the face of this disconnect, I couldn't help but ponder: how can we bridge this gap? As the younger generation grows increasingly aware of the dire consequences of climate change and its devastating impact on our planet, wildlife conservation organizations should be at the forefront of our minds, receiving the attention and funding they so desperately need to protect endangered species and preserve the natural wonders we hold dear. However, engaging this new generation of donors presents a unique challenge. These digital natives, who have grown up immersed in a world of social media and gaming, require a fresh approach. The traditional methods of mailing and emailing that have long been the staple of charitable communication will likely fall flat with this tech-savvy demographic.

When my Co-Founder, Will, who also happens to be my husband and travel partner, first shared the concept of "giving animals a voice through AI" with me, it was like a lightning bolt of inspiration struck me. The idea was so simple, yet so profound. Imagine, for a moment, if we could hear the thoughts and feelings of the animals we share this planet with. What would they say about the impact of human actions on their habitats? How would they articulate the pain and loss they've experienced as a result of our negligence? The mere thought of it sent a chill down my spine. I couldn't help but think that if we could truly understand their perspective, it would galvanize us into action like never before. These creatures, given a voice, could become the most powerful advocates for the incredible individuals and organizations who dedicate their lives to protecting them.

With the spark of this idea igniting our passion, AiNi was born. Drawing upon our background in education and social media, we set out to create the AiNi conservation companion bots—interactive, fun, and educational AI-powered companions that would revolutionize the way donors engage with and support conservation efforts. We envisioned a new era of donor engagement, one that resonates with the way younger generations interact with the world around them. These bots are designed to be more than just a tool; they are a bridge, fostering meaningful and lasting relationships between donors and the causes they care about. As donors get to know their animal companions, they embark on a journey of discovery and growth together.

The AiNi bots are not only well-versed conservation experts, capable of engaging donors in thought-provoking discussions about climate change and animal anatomy; they are also game masters, guiding donors through immersive conservation workshops, survival scenario simulations, and other gamified experiences. By weaving together education and entertainment, we aim to create a deeper connection between donors and the organizations they support. These interactive experiences are carefully crafted to help organizations not only engage and retain donors over the long term but also to educate them about the importance of their causes, aligning donors with their mission on a fundamental level. Through AiNi, we hope to inspire a new generation of passionate, informed, and committed advocates for wildlife conservation.

AiNi holds a special place in my heart, not only because of its mission but also because it represents my desire to create a product that contributes to building a better world for my daughter, Nora. Born into an era where the online world is often toxic and depressing, I am deeply concerned about the digital environment she would inevitably navigate as she grows up. It weighed heavily on my conscience that, at a time, I was part of the problem, building a social media platform that contributed to the very issues I feared. I often found myself grappling with the question of how I could be a positive role model for Nora. Was it simply through demonstrating a strong work ethic, or could I aspire to something greater—pursuing a mission that uplifts others and leaves a lasting, positive impact on the world?

Moreover, I want to inspire Nora to fearlessly follow her heart when chasing her own dreams in the future. I want to show her that true fulfillment lies in aligning one's passions with a purpose that extends beyond oneself. AiNi has become the vessel through which I can embody these values and lead by example. It is my hope that by pouring my energy into a project that aims to make a difference, I can inspire Nora to approach her own life with the same sense of purpose and dedication. Through AiNi, I will demonstrate that with hard work, compassion, and an unwavering commitment to one's beliefs, we all have the power to shape a brighter future for ourselves and the generations to come.

To the tireless conservationists and dedicated organizations who have fought for so long to protect the incredible diversity of life on our planet, I am overjoyed to finally introduce AiNi to you. You are the true heroes of this tale, and it is your unwavering commitment that has inspired us to embark on this journey.

Now that I've shared my personal story, I want to learn about your triumphs, your struggles, and your passion—these are the stories that fuel our determination to make a difference. At AiNi, our sole purpose is to support you in any way we can. We are here to stand alongside you, to amplify your voice, and to help you reach new heights in your noble pursuits.

If there is anything we can do to better assist your mission, please don't hesitate to reach out to me via ailin at Your feedback, insights, and collaboration are invaluable to us as we strive to create a tool that truly empowers your efforts. Together, I believe we can forge a path towards a future where the wonders of the natural world are cherished, protected, and celebrated by all.

Thank you for being the guardians of our planet's most precious gifts. We are honored to join you on this journey.

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