September 3, 2024

Will's Founder Blog

Will's Founder Blog

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Dear all,

First I’d like to thank conservationists for their dedication to protecting and securing biodiversity. Conservationists like you embody the impact I aspire to leave behind in my life. I cannot fathom a world without animals, and I sincerely hope humanity of the 21st century awakens to their generational purpose of protecting wildlife. Nature has always been a sanctuary, curing depression and providing unforgettable experiences throughout my life. One of the greatest gifts and sources of happiness lies right outside our front doors, and I wish to spread this joy to future generations who are becoming entranced into capitalistically driven digital lives, that has been scientifically proven to be losing their sense of self, purpose and happiness.

For the past 12 years, I've worked as an entrepreneur in education technology, from helping students access higher education to building a collaborative writing platform used by millions of Gen-Z for roleplaying. It's been an amazing experience helping future generations, but a deep-rooted love for animals kept pulling at me. A recent failure brought me to a crossroads: abandon my entrepreneurial pursuits to join a nonprofit wildlife organization or give it one more shot to change the world.

While pondering about my future one morning, a barred owl flew in for a few hours. Like a spiritual calling, a random thought passed: "What would the owl say if it could speak to me?" In my mind, it whispered, "Help me." The next idea was truly profound to me, artificial intelligence can give animals a voice. This technology could be used for good so animals can share stories, teach and play, and if humans can communicate with animals, perhaps they would be more inclined to help them. I saw my purpose clear that day that I could finally combine passion for saving animals with my background in creating educational and roleplay experiences to create something truly special and help inspire others to save the world.

AiNi was founded as a public benefit corporation with a mission to support the fundraising efforts of non-profit wildlife organizations. Our success is directly linked to the number of animals being saved through our platform. However, to achieve our goals, we need the support and expertise of dedicated conservationists and wildlife organizations. We want to ensure that AiNi aligns with the needs and expectations of the wildlife conservation community. Your feedback, insights, and participation are essential in shaping AiNi into a powerful tool for wildlife conservation education, engagement, and fundraising. By working together, we can create a platform that not only inspires the next generation of conservationists but also provides tangible support to organizations. I invite you to join us on this journey and help us build a future where technology and conservation work hand in hand to create a lasting impact. 

Most importantly, I hope those who use AiNi enjoy the experience and discover a deeper life’s purpose of saving animals. It truly would be a dream come true to help inspire a world of conservationists. I look forward to hearing your feedback and conservation stories.

Thank you, let’s go save animals,


Animal lover and Co-Founder of AiNi

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